Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: (pautaotzu) Reply from your post./Wolf
Oct 25, 2007 06:52AM

Wolf - I believe Mr. Turley stated that there is a short list of possible acquisition and merger candidates. That being said there probably isn't a whole lot they can do until the ligitation is concluded. If it is favorable then Mr. Turley will be able to continue with his planned merger or acquisition, REGARDLESS of whether or not there will be an appeal (unlikely). The stock will react accordingly. Look at TMTA... yesterday it concluded a licensing deal with Intel for 160 million plus 20 million a year. Stock closed on tuesday at around $4.00.... opened yesterday at over $14. THE SAME THING could and should happen here if we're successful. This IS dependent on the patents being proven valid... it ALWAYS has been, nothing has changed. Mr. Turley ALSO stated that he plans on have a couple of products out using our technology within the next year.

Corrections welcome.

Oct 25, 2007 07:12AM

Oct 25, 2007 07:14AM
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