Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.


While the pending USPTO reexamination may be somewhat disconserting, the reality is that companies with the likes of Intel, AMD, HP, Fujitsu, Sony, Nokia, etc. (you know the rest) have all licensed the MMP.

I'm confident that they have expert EE's and lawyers on their payroll just has skilled in the art as the USPTO examiners who have sifted the evidence with a .2 micron hepa filter. One would think that these companies that have licensed the MMP would have threw up a 'red flag' had there been any hints of prior art issues and probably would have waited until the final outcome of the trial to license. (of course, licensing early = licensing on the cheap)

PTSC also received very favorable results from the Markman hearing which bodes well. In addition, PTSC will also have final interviews with the USPTO examiners prior to them rendering a decision. Is the reexam insignificant, NO, it is not. All of this is IMO.

I think the reexam was expected as part of the litigation process. If you were being sued, would you not pull out all the stops to win or at the very least reduce the amount of damages.

Others here can articulate it much better.....Look for the likes of SGE, ease2002, billwilke, Kidd, Berredo, Green, Wolf, Milestone, Stillpoint, l2007(laurie) and a host of others to weigh in with much better insight to this issue than I.



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