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Message: Re: BaNosser -Classic accumulation Stillpt...
Nov 15, 2007 07:52AM
Nov 15, 2007 08:26AM

The basis of the shares he currently has is probably under a dime (opinion, I obv don't know)..  I just can't see how he can sell some of those now, and then reaccumulate at a later date for a more-than-likely higher price..  and come out better in the long run..  Perhaps there is a way (revolving around off shore acounts and the like), but my feeble mind is unable to wrap itself around it. 

If it is Swartz deaccumulating, I know he is hedging, is moving that cash into other ventures, shares are going into stronger hands.. yada..  I just find it unfathomable that he would continue during this quiet settlement period, when he absolutely knows as much about what is going behind closed doors as Turley does, and perhaps more. 

IMO evertime this butts up to .60 it is not T&A, nor flipper/traders all deciding to sell at the same time....

I know Swartz will eventually run out of shares... and eventually we will see this trade 'normally'... as I have posted before, I would just love to see this thoroughbred perform unhobbled

all jmo


Nov 15, 2007 09:25AM

Nov 15, 2007 09:30AM

Nov 15, 2007 12:05PM
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