If I get this correctly? Which I'm sure I won't!
What your saying is: Occam's Razor
The simplest solution to the question/issue is more than likely the correct answer.
Since USPTO responded to the courts markman findings on 584 (claim 29) and no other issues were found by USPTO as of this date due to solid 148 and 336 markman rulings, no USPTO intervention at this time is a show of strength for the 148 and 336.
Since everyone must have water!
Since directly after Mediation dates both parties requested an early ruling on the ACP.
Since Judge did not rule publicly on ACP, ruling is thought to have been in chambers and in our favor because no appeal was immediaetly announced by Plantiffs.
Since plantiffs and defendants imediately asked for a 30 day stay and no reason for stay was given.
Since the judge would not have agreed to a stay unless it was to settle the case all thoughts are that:
Strength, Water, ACP, Stay, twenty some others, = License $$$$$$$!
This is not Occam's Razor.
This is Wanabe's Razor, all paths lead to the same end! The Big Cashendo! Where's the Trobe I borrowed from Whaz?