Deb, I really love your posts. You are fighting hard to maintain your optimistic beliefs.
I agree 100%.
Who says we cannot dream of a great situation! I agree and say $5 for a Christmas present.
I do not have my hopes up for a decision now or this weekend but hopefully a PACER very soon to give us guidance on a continuation or whatever Judge Ward and the parties believe is the correct determination.
I was convinced that Thanksgiving would be Christmas but I was way wrong. I forgot to consider PTO. J3 may not move until they know the results of PTO. I believe they need to see that the US Gov't. supports the MMP. Yesterday, I said Dec 22nd or earlier depending on PTO decision. I think there is a link between the 2 decisions in the mind of the J3.
Everyone on this board and all readers of agora deserve accolades for patience and persistence. This has been a long arduous road of belief in the intellectual property rights guaranteed by our Constitution. I pray the road travelled by all of us will be vindicated soon.