AMD`s interest in Ignite is also interesting. Ignite is a Risc-like 32-bit processor core with a strong SIMD component. According to Patriot, multiple Ignites can work together within the company`s InFlame architecture to create a multi-SIMD processor not so dissimilar to the architecture Sony and IBM have been discussing of late as `Cell` - the CPU technology that will power the PlayStation 3. ®
Definition for SIMD
SIMD - A processor instruction that can perform operations across multiple data instructions. So, instead of saying ``Add A,B`` several times to add two groups of numbers, you may say ``Add Row A, Row B`` or something to that effect. Instructions of this nature are often associated with 3D graphics and multimedia.
EEMBC benchmark scores
Not being a techie, I have no idea how the benchmark scores would stack up (pun intended) vs the cell. Any opinions by techies out there?