Just in case NEC is going the full way:
They should have no problem paying "several hundred millions..." (from the lastest numbers ending 03/07):
"The company recorded revenues of JPY4,652,649 million (approximately $39,826.7 million) during the fiscal year ended March 2007, a decrease of 5.6% over 2006. The operating profit of the company was JPY69,976 million (approximately $599 million) during fiscal year 2007, a decrease of 3.5% over 2006. Fall in operating profit was mainly due to accrual of estimated warranty costs for products already sold in IT/Network business. The net profit was JPY9,128 million (approximately $78.1 million) in fiscal year 2007, an increase of JPY19,190 million (approximately $164.3 million) over 2006."