today on yesterdays events. I do think that they blew it yesterday by not putting out something. I don't recall AGORACOM highlighting the news yesterday but may have missed it.
I do expect that alot of stock alerts will be including PTSC and we will get some additional press coverage.
Today would be nice to have another licence agreement announced. Although the remaining companies may not know the amount of the court settlement figures, I expect pressure will be felt through the microchip community and licence fees to increase bigtime. I also expect that TPL / PTSC will be getting larger sums than before. What other company wants to be named in a lawsuit for the same events that just settled. None imo.
Life goes quickly and spring ain't that far away. Heck we could have another 20-40 licences signed on by then. :>)))
Have a fun day. Off to other things for today.