vent to their heart content on just 1 post. Just 1 please.
Then when everyone is done we can get back to viable discussion and research; that way maybe we (this forum) can actually come up with possibilities that if by chance ptsc mgmt. are viewing, they may take any good advice that has been shared on this forum.
I will start this :
I am disappointed with the share price, I was hoping for a steady rise in shareprice.
I am disappointed with lack of pr and info. contained, I would love to see a general statement regarding the health of this company and the ongoing possibilities.
I would like more M&A ; but I want it now! Let's see JT been on duty for what about less than a year.
Well I am done..........phew, feel much better.......anyone else?
By the way, I am not independantely wealthy and I could use the money now........but, it was my decision to I will wait.