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Message: Bottom Line Thoughts - (PTSC continue the lunchpail to work approach)

Bottom Line Thoughts - (PTSC continue the lunchpail to work approach)

posted on Dec 19, 2007 09:06PM

Since 2005:

PTSC has shared in half of over $200M in license fees for the MMP.

PTSC has issued 8 cents per share in dividends. 

PTSC has eliminated the warrant situation with S&L that was part of what was weighting the share price and increasing the O/S.

PTSC has acquired one small company in Holcom (sp?)

PTSC has settled minor litigation with Fish and others.

PTSC has successfully maneuvered its way through litigation with the J5, enticing 2 and part of a 3rd to defect and sign licenses, and forcing the other 2 and the remainder of the 3rd to follow suit before trial.  This is a watershed moment for the company in that it validates it's patents in as much as companies praying for relief through non-infringement and/or a declaration of invalidity gave up their arguments and instead got out their checkbooks.

PTSC with some of the legwork done during the Markman process not to mention the strong portfolio of licenses substantially aided its case with the USPTO regarding 3 patent re-exams.  Potentially by the settlement yesterday, it hastened the USPTO's action reaffriming the validity of its patents.

PTSC has planned for the future in outlining and working towards an M&A strategy geared towards additional predictable recurring revenue streams.

PTSC has utilized its profits from the licensing process to buyback a modest though substantial amount of shares, thus helping its position somewhat for M&A activities not to mention its efforts at moving to a better exchange.

PTSC has increased shareholder value by over 700% when you include the dividends, and experienced three times that appreciation on a temporary basis.

ALL of these items I outline substantially solidify the fundamentals of the company.  There can be no argurment that it is in an almost infinitely better position than it was 2 years ago this time.  Aside from what I personally think are some PR slip ups, and what others characterize much more strongly, PTSC has done little glaringly wrong.  In fact, the only argument is that perhaps they could've done more, but we all have to admit that's our pretty arogant view of the activities and inner workings of a company we can only understand from the glimpses we get.  We can't really know.  Perhaps they've avoided HUGE unseen pitfals and salvaged what has been accomplished, rather than the viewpoints expressed here that belittle the accomplishments.

The bottom line is that regardless of how PR's have been handled, and what missteps they have experienced, none of that changes the facts listed above.  None of it changes the fundamentals.  None of detracts from the HUGE positives accomplished.  That's the bottom line.

Reading this board the last two days has truly been exhausting.  Less than 48 hrs has passed since the settlements have been announced, and the biggest complaint is that in that time, the share price hasn't reached $5 or $10, and Turley hasn't pulled the trigger on an M&A deal now that he knows his budget.  I for one realize the rediculousness of that point of view, and if I contributed to it with what I thought were targeted and specific criticisms about PR issues, (which I still believe to be valid, though not consequential in the big picture) I'll take my share of the blame.  At the end of the day, PTSC has landed on pretty solid ground.  Not to say the road ahead still won't be eventful, but from an investment perspective, I don't believe this is purely a speculative play any longer.

I hope Turley proves himself as CEO and I think time will tell that he can.  I hope PTSC can further strengthen it's BOD, and I think Turley will lead that effort in time.  I'm not one to predict share prices, but I believe that within a month, we'll be flirting with over $1/share, and as acqusition(s) are executed and license deals are added, we'll begin to see a stead rise in share price over the next year.  Perhaps not the speed and volatility, price extremes and excitement that BB Traders like, but something I can live with.

If you read this far, these are MY thoughts on PTSC and it's situation.  Thanks to all who have provided me with some tidbits of their thoughts to chew on and who have helped me challenge my own ideas.  That's why I participate here.  As I'm not sure we'll see much happen between now and the New Year, there probably won't be much new to discuss though based on my short time here on Agora, that has never stopped the discussion, lol.

With that in mind, to PTSC Employees and BOD, thanks for your efforts, take the criticisms in the constructive spirit their meant, use what's valid, discard the rest,  and keep plugging away, never losing sight that it's OUR company of which you are stewards.  I wish all of you and all of the Agora members a blessed and joyful Christmas!  If you don't celebrate Christmas, I wish you a great and happy holiday that you do celebrate and may the new year be your best yet.

And of course, MAY THE STEELERS DOMINATE on their way to Lombardi Trophy No. 6, and the Pats still suck.

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