Since patriot has the experience of pipe financing and Swarts is still holding a significant position (as far a I know) and our Bod includes some individuals friendly to Swarts, the J3 settlement could have come down to Warrents. Maybe PTSC and TPL accepted warrents in place of cash. Warrents that they will convert into shares at hugely discounted prices over the next few years. They will convert into every run the J3 have.
Of course this is completely just to be funny so everybody chill before you string me up. All the conversation on the board has gotten to the point of being boring since the reality is nobody really knows anything for certain. Thougth you could use a laugh.
My advice is for all to pour themselves an extra big glass of Egg Nog, sit by the fire and be with the ones that really matter to you. I believe in what I have and will sit tight and relax.
Merry Christmas to all and if you you don't celebrate Merry something else to you.