No, I don't get that feeling at all, and I think all the nonsense that is being posted here not only confuses people who have not done all the work some of us have researching this company, but scares away new investors.
My advice to people is simple: If you don't know what you own, why would you own it?
If you don't think the CEO is worth a pinch of owl dung, why would you own the stock of his company and spend hours every week wasting your time on this forum? Go buy MSFT or INTL and sleep better at night;
If you think this is a Ponzi scheme where only insiders benefit, why would you continue holding this stock? (I have earned several hundred thousand holding LONG, and am very happy, and the last time I looked, I was not an "Insider," and JT has not yet been to my house for dinner);
Finally, if you don't understand NDAs, the difference between settlements (that are NOT one time knock offs but ongoing with dozens of companies) and verdicts or judgments, and how this complicates everything from mergers and acquisitions to settlement values, SEC requirements, etc., I have advice for you: SELL NOW.
I used to love this board, and I know some of you will jump all over me, but I am really sick of this nonsense. Most of this crap is not "opinion," but mind-numbing spectacular sophistry, observations that, when considered while tied to the ownership of something you are not required or forced to own, can only be considered intentional FUD, or stunted brain development.
Nothing is perfect, not man, not company (only dogs are). This is a speculative investment getting more stable each passing week. But you have to have faith in what you are dumping your money in, or get out.