You need to go back a few years a read up on patent law.
Individual patent holders are each individually allowed to license teh product with any obligations to the other patent holders/inventors
Originally Fish and Moore gave their rights _ignoring intermediate activities - to PTSC and TPL respectively.
Both PTSC and TPL were attemtpting to license and sue infringers and each other.
TPL sold a license to INTC and PTSC sold one to AMD. These were relatively inexpensive licenses and it was finally realized that PTSC and TPL could be a much stronger force combined and fighting only infringers rather than wasting resources and time fighting each other.
Ergo teh patents were brought together to a single patent holder - eventually to becalled
Phoenix Digital Systems- That would be a single force untied against all infringers and fight for truth justice and the American way --
G** Bless America !!!!!!!!!!!