Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: a short note to the folks who stil have patience to read
"How? About Mr. Turley talk about Holocom."
And say what?  That they are pursuing things already known?
"How? About Mr. Turley talk about the development of hybrid RISC/Stack Processor."
And say what, what they've already told us - that they are no longer pursuing this?
"How? About Mr Turley talk about his plan to distance PTSC from TPL, so we can stand on our two feet."
And just reiterate what he's already told us - that we're pursing acquisitions in fields of technology where our management is cognizant to create additional revenue streams?  You expect them to share their short list of acquisition candidates? 
"How? About Mr. Turley talk about how we have gone from R&D to Licensing."
Another reiteration of what is already known?  I'll qualify this with saying that they have advised of some efforts requiring the engagement of certain technological expertise, presumeably for IR&D.  I've never worked for a company that shared any info re: IR&D - all such info was designated "Company Private" or "Proprietary" - not be disclosed to ANYONE.
"I don't want to know about any of the details of any settlement, or what we can, or not talk about due to NDA's. All I want is to get to a point where we are talking about other issues, and get off this bandwagon of what has TPL done for us lately."
I do want to know the details of each and every settlement, to the point that is most prudent for the company.  These details reveal the future possibilities re: acquisitions and funding for possible IR&D. 
"Perception in the market is everything. If PTSC is going to succeed they have to show to investors their plan on taking this company forward."
They've advised of their plan to the extent that is prudent IMO.  They even gave a timeline.   
"Riding around in a Super Stretch Limousine,"
And that cost what, a couple hundred bucks?  And considering what all was going on in the area at the time?  This is one of those things where, if they decided to have meeting to discuss this expenditure, if I were in the room, I'd stop everything by saying "we're about to spend more money talking about it than it cost us".
"or closing down for eight days for a holiday does not give the impression Mr. Turley is serious about the growth of PTSC. (IMO)"
And you can say this when you've been advised by multiple people that a holiday shutdown is customary in the industry?  And think of this - I'd bet dollars to donuts that the management of PTSC was working the day after Thanksgiving (what with all was going on at the time) - a day when probably 70+% of the American workforce had the day off (why do you think that day is customarily the busiest shopping day of the year?  Because most people are out shopping because they have the day off!).
You keep insinuating that PTSC management is sitting on their hands, when you have absolutely no idea what the reality is.  When you were in management, did you broadcast every plan your company had in mind in detail - even to your own employees (who were probably constrained by NDA as a condition of employment)?
And then you suggest that others should include a disclaimer in their posts (no, I didn't report you), when you freely post critical opinions based on trivia (the limo) and ignorance? 
Sorry to come down on you like this, but it causes me concern when a highly respected member such as yourself spews such things.  I KNOW you're a smart guy, but sometimes IMO you're jousting at windmills.
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