Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: expectations of S/P

expectations of S/P

posted on Jan 10, 2008 11:24AM

Many of us set our expectations very high for a big jump in the share price the day the J"s settled.(Myself included) since then I realized that the market does not react like it did in the early 90's(i.e. EDIG going for .20 to $24.5 in a few days all because of rumors) too many people got burned back then.Just because of the reaction we saw after the Js settled doesn't mean that it won't ever happen.Todays market only sees actual dollars .... not rumors of dollars.These dollars will only be seen when 10Q's are released with mucho dollars and earnings.With that said and with that being what I beleive , I'm not expecting a big jump in S/P until it happens.

When will it happen?.....WHO THE H___ KNOWS? ......we certainly don't know ..and my not ever know the terms of the J's settlement or any large settlements. We will probably see this same NDA stuff in the future to protect the share price of the infringers so we might as well get used to it.

Many companies have peeks and valleys in thier earnings so I have based my investment in PTSC on what they have accomplished over the last three years.. which in my opinion is Pretty ---- Good

Best of luck to all see ya in early April

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