Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Questions 1/17/08--

Questions 1/17/08--

posted on Jan 17, 2008 04:13PM

1. What is PTSC's policy for communicating with shareholders?

The monthly letter to shareholders is long overdue.  Why?

 Why no pr with the recent 10Q?

 Are you aware of any share price manipulation, and if you are what do you attribute it to?

Shareholders would like to know that we have a voice.  Can Brian Biajj take a more active role in being our shareholder representative by allowing him to post on Agoracom updates approved through the BOD?  Also as our contact to deliver questions and concerns to the BOD and post what he can? 

Where does PTSC see itself in the next year, 2 years, 5 years?  Is PTSC on target for accomplishing it's goals of M&A, Licensing, and getting off the OTCBB?

 Question: If you are indeed under the "cone of silence" would it be possible to extend it to cover new licenses as the signing of obscure companies at a time when many are desperate for some actual guidance from management does nothing at this time but furter cripple the SP and add to the belief by many potential investors that this is going nowhere and is to be avoided. While it is currently fashionable among "true longs" to maintain a stiff upper lip and see everything that comes along as a positive there are many out there that have given up on this stock and events like today's and "rumors" of  "possible" communications sometime next week furter damage are already shakey credibility. In short, in a situation where we are looking for a sign and you throw us instead a license to a company few have ever heard of and of course give no indication of terms or fees paid which then results in a significant SP decline then IMO many here would agree that silence is indeed golden.

May we have an update on the share buy back program? Is the company taking advantage of the low pps the marketplace is assigning to PTSC shares?   

Is management aware of any manipulation offshore i.e Germany that would contribute to the sp decline and or volatility?  If so, what do they intend to do about it?

Two part question:

1. What is PTSC's policy for communicating with shareholders?

The monthly letter to shareholders is long overdue.  Why?

 Why no pr with the recent 10Q?

 Are you aware of any share price manipulation, and if you are what do you attribute it to?

Shareholders would like to know that we have a voice.  Can Brian Biajj take a more active role in being our shareholder representative by allowing him to post on Agoracom updates approved through the BOD?  Also as our contact to deliver questions and concerns to the BOD and post what he can? 

Where does PTSC see itself in the next year, 2 years, 5 years?  Is PTSC on target for accomplishing it's goals of M&A, Licensing, and getting off the OTCBB?

 Question: If you are indeed under the "cone of silence" would it be possible to extend it to cover new licenses as the signing of obscure companies at a time when many are desperate for some actual guidance from management does nothing at this time but furter cripple the SP and add to the belief by many potential investors that this is going nowhere and is to be avoided. While it is currently fashionable among "true longs" to maintain a stiff upper lip and see everything that comes along as a positive there are many out there that have given up on this stock and events like today's and "rumors" of  "possible" communications sometime next week furter damage are already shakey credibility. In short, in a situation where we are looking for a sign and you throw us instead a license to a company few have ever heard of and of course give no indication of terms or fees paid which then results in a significant SP decline then IMO many here would agree that silence is indeed golden.

May we have an update on the share buy back program? Is the company taking advantage of the low pps the marketplace is assigning to PTSC shares?   

Is management aware of any manipulation offshore i.e Germany that would contribute to the sp decline and or volatility?  If so, what do they intend to do about it?

Two part question:

1. What is PTSC's policy for communicating with shareholders?

The monthly letter to shareholders is long overdue.  Why?

 Why no pr with the recent 10Q?

 Are you aware of any share price manipulation, and if you are what do you attribute it to?

Shareholders would like to know that we have a voice.  Can Brian Biajj take a more active role in being our shareholder representative by allowing him to post on Agoracom updates approved through the BOD?  Also as our contact to deliver questions and concerns to the BOD and post what he can? 

Where does PTSC see itself in the next year, 2 years, 5 years?  Is PTSC on target for accomplishing it's goals of M&A, Licensing, and getting off the OTCBB?

 Question: If you are indeed under the "cone of silence" would it be possible to extend it to cover new licenses as the signing of obscure companies at a time when many are desperate for some actual guidance from management does nothing at this time but furter cripple the SP and add to the belief by many potential investors that this is going nowhere and is to be avoided. While it is currently fashionable among "true longs" to maintain a stiff upper lip and see everything that comes along as a positive there are many out there that have given up on this stock and events like today's and "rumors" of  "possible" communications sometime next week furter damage are already shakey credibility. In short, in a situation where we are looking for a sign and you throw us instead a license to a company few have ever heard of and of course give no indication of terms or fees paid which then results in a significant SP decline then IMO many here would agree that silence is indeed golden.

May we have an update on the share buy back program? Is the company taking advantage of the low pps the marketplace is assigning to PTSC shares?   

Is management aware of any manipulation offshore i.e Germany that would contribute to the sp decline and or volatility?  If so, what do they intend to do about it?

Two part question:

Considering the important milestone that the "business resolutions" to the Texas litigation represent, is the company currently working diligently on resolving any accounting questions regarding the reporting of these settlements and the other license deals from this quarter so that at the end of the quarter, the financials can be filed in a timely manner. 

Additionally, considering the market's strong negative reaction to the absence of any information regarding these settlements, and in an effort to demonstrate a proactive and genuine interest in protecting the PTSC shareholders interests, will you as CEO of PTSC, commit to having the PTSC 10q for the quarter ending February 28, filed within two weeks from the end of the quarter, rather than waiting till the very last days of the allowable filing timeframe as has been common place in recent years.



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