"Absolutely none from my viewpoint. However, there are some who recommended your post when you told ron your buddies submitted false names and numbers. So, you do have a following, albeit a pretty classless one."
-- Again you missed my point. I dont have cred before. during. or after. Im not on fourms looking for cred. I trade and invest stock for myself and not others.
"Wrong again! As I recall, that timeframe was when TPL was gathering a flurry of signings. NEWS DRIVEN, not "anticipating news driven".The jump to 94 cents was because the resolution was revealed."
I am not going to argue too much here excep that the raise in pps was due to the STAY pacer and the antcipaton of a resoultion of the TX court case. Confirmation of news was released on Dec 18 when the stock hit the peak and started coming down.
"Then quit implying that the numbers will rock. You don't know that. There is no sure thing and your posts suggest otherwise"
Im not implying anything. If i thought the number sucked...i would have exited my position and moved on. Most people sticking around have to be confident that the numbers will be good....otherwise why still be here. Now someone without share of PTSC may want validation of the numbers, because they arent wearing the rose color glasses. They can be very skeptical..
Again from the numbers we know that Sony & Fujistu paid..who were original defendants..... PTSC should be just fine if the other one paid in the same range or higher.