Just added them up... ~86.785 M shares traded in this time frame (very close, not exact to the share)
35.3 M S/L shares held as of 8-31-07
23.7 M S/L shares held as of 12-31-07
warrants done on 10-2-08 (assuming S/L's retail shares remained the same thru this time...)
11.6 M shares disposed of in that time frame (IF the above S/L share totals are in fact correct)
Then approx 13.37% of all shares traded were S/L's... BUT..
IF it is correct to assume that on the OTC you do have to divide by two to obtain actual shares traded, then that would make 26.7% of all shares traded in this time frame were S/L's!.... !!!
Now let's apply this to how many shares Swartz may have sold so far this yr... 26M PTSC shares traded in '08.. 26.7% of this amount is.. 6.94 M shares sold by Swartz IF he is selling at a continuous, steady rate...
corrections welcome...