"Not to argue with your figures, which I'm unable to do, but hopefully the trading volume will increase dramatically after April (for a while anyway) and possibly Swartz may not want to divest himself totally of his shares.
No question, we'll all be happier when he stops selling."
Maybe you remember my post last week regarding the similarity of the trading pattern AFTER Markman and now the current pattern AFTER settlement. While the low shareprice after Markman was IMO mainly due to the three months pricing period for the warrant buyback, the question would be, is there a similar agreement in place AFTER the settlement?
WAG: Could it be, that Swartz shares are part of a deal? Could it be, that we are in between another "pricing period" from middle of December 2007 to middle of April 2008?
Of course this is pure speculation, but what the heck should we do besides senseless speculating...lol...;-)?