Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Fact, Fiction, Truth or BS part !

OK, how do we stand? That was the first question. Well we know a lot and we don't know details.

Me, Greeneyes and other's dreams of 250-300 million this quarter total for the MMP is a could of , would of, should of , type situation. I'll call it FICTION .

We have the USPTO to worry about , does anyone believe we have anything to be afraid of .........overturn their original issue? I'll believe in FICTION. Ok, OK, I am a conspiracy buff. Don't ask me bout 911 or JFK. I believe that no one has a smoking gun and we are on our way. Remember that we have the right to issue amendments to the patents , SO IMO, we can fix any issue the USPTO can raise and all that will do is change a few issues with respect of who infringes on what at what time frame. I see that a a win for us any way you look at it. Fact, no, but a reasonable believe. I'll mark this up to nothing to worry about.

The appeal against ARM is a good move. TRUTH We are in suit with respect to ARM , appeal on our letting them off the hook. Combine this with the USPTO office issue and people say we could loose that patent outright , or at least make it non usable. Well , is that any worse than where we are at right now? Is it that big of a deal to force a company to settle with several patents or just 2 or 3 good enough to do the job. I say this issue is a win situation for us. That being it can't hurt. The USPTO adjusts that patent and we could win the appeal.

Management could all go home and just wait on $ the TLP makes us. FICTION Don't' for get all the legal issues that must be taken care of to run a public company. Mgmt is getting that job done , Sarbanes Oxley Act, SEC filings and the like.

M/A is what the doctor ordered and is what we need. FACT That's right , I'll call that fact. (still scared as heck bout # 6 warnings of last post) however unless we just give all the cash directly to the shareholders and close the door we have to do something to stay alive. Ignite and Inflame working out? Who knows , we do know that it is on the shelf and going nowhere, at least that is what we think baring some new development. IF, we can do some really nice dealings with just the right company we could come out on top. Here is where I come in on the issue. I want us to merge with a company that is bigger than us. I would like to see some real dealings (somehow around the master agreement) for us to get to be a part of something big. I would like us to merge with TPL, and a big company in a three way merger that will not screw us as shareholder; something like giving up 1/2 our shares to TPL , leaving us 200m and then doing an equal merger with some big time established company. I would then have 99.5k shares of an established company on a big board that is raking in the whole MMP. I bet we would all make out great. (Maybe that is just another dream.) If we just buy up some money pit it could take years and years to get anywhere. More dreams on my part, probably fiction , but doable. Very long term growing a company into something is an option , but being selfish , I need something a tad bit quicker..LOL TRUTH , that right, Lambertslunatics calculations are as good as any, and as close to a truth as we can reasonably expect. Good Job Lambert. Sure I still dream,who don't. Here is the big problem:

What to expect......WOW, how do you answer that? I'll take a stab at it . As we now stand, we are looking ok. We are profitable so no one can file BK on us shareholders. We are looking for a M/A scenario which in itself is the make or break us. Goerner look fine to help it such matters, Turyley didn't hurt. Pohl did his part with TPL , Lecrone is working like mad. Wheels are turning and something is going to happen. The hourglass was pouring the sand where we were waiting on January for the big suit with the J's to come to a conclusion. TPL took that hourglass and knocked in on it's side and the sand stopped pouring. Now, with this quarter (WAY to Go Lecky !) the hourglass has bee righted and the sand continues to poor again for April and the 10Q. Let's hope the hourglass didn't get knocked upside down before and don't get knocked over again. What to expect , What to expect. HERE GOES my IMHO.

I will believe that the Dutton Report and Lambets' calculations are very on par and that our .40 is at least 1/2 of what is should be. So, I will believe that nothing bad will happen and we will see good enough numbers to at least double our share price in April to the .90's that Dutton says. Dang disappointment to me, but I am at a mean pps of less than .30 now (was zero at one time after the divys.) so I am ok, and still dream of over $5 a share to make a difference and at least $3 to make it ok in my life, yes I need some money. The ones who bought over $1 I believe will be fine too. The one's bought in over $2 will be in it for the long haul , years if the merger issue plays out that long, and it could very well do so. That's were we stand, and My big issue is where did I adjust my sell price at . I did more that most would do and told what I own and what I need to make a difference but, I am not a trader, or I could have doubled up several times if I had a "Trobe"..LOL , but what do I look for.

Crap .........Stress........I need, and I want. What do I look for ? What do I force myself to be reasonable about and not keep dreaming . I'm 47, want to get away from a stress filled job. Have tons of debts. Was stupid enough to work for over 20 years for a company that has no retirement or 401 k , and I lost my IRA funds years ago with some other bad investments. I choose PTSC's chances to make it , or at least to make it enough for me to get back on my feet. I had no other reasonable options, being broke. I don't wish to slave away at a job until I die. ( please no hurt feelings intended). I just felt that others may have too much PTSC as I do for their own reasons, as I do. Sure I'm all in, I have no other option: That is I picked this option anyway.

The state of our investment at this point in time. I'll call it solid as a penny stock could be and more than some bigger board stocks............and HOPEFUL

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