When I ponder all that has happened this quarter I’m well satisfied. I came here for the earnings potential of the patents. Fortunately, TPL is in charge of our success in the patent arena so I’m not terribly concerned about the PTSC board at this point. Please, I’m not looking to argue about the board. With the board doing nothing at least the coffers are still being filled. JT, not realizing a perfect opportunity as far as we know didn’t throw our money around and I thank him for not doing so.
I hope we continue until April without merger news, short of an undeniable diamond in the rough on the verge of huge breakout earnings potential and I do mean undeniably huge. Myself, I’ve been "long" long enough. I’m ready for some profits. I won’t sell all but given the right SP in April-May most likely someone else will own a good part of my shares. GLTA
Accentuate the positive!