I agree, though would add that market caps can indicate the infringers ABILITY to pay, but in the end it is usage and presence in their products of MMP technology. While it's still a flawed measure of this, the companies gross revenue is more appropriate. The logic behind that, especially for predominately electronics companies, is that almost all of their revenue comes from sales of electronics products, and MOST of that product contains MMP technology.
Some have pointed to DirectTV as a license that is probably worth more than I think will prove true, though it brings up an interesting question. While DirectTV makes by far the majority of its money from subscription to programming, and NOT from the electronics that contain the MMP tech, it is true that WITHOUT that receiver or other electronic device that helps the customer get that programming, they would have no product to sell. So I'll be interested to see if we can decipher the DirectTV license amount from the upcoming 10q as on the surface, the bulk of their revenues don't come from MMP infringing products, but the subscription services they sell are ultimately 100% reliant on that MMP tech.