that the price goes down prior to best qtr ever news.
Fear is a very powerful tool. Ask yourself who would benefit if the price is down today and most likely up in the next few days.
Unfortunately I agree with those comments about the market. There is really no market outside of the current shareholders, some day traders (could be the same) and MM at the moment. My guess would be that is about to change. Momentum traders will come in like vultures when it is time (a good thing, I think).
How many of you tried expressing your optimism of this stock to friends and family? How many of those individual jumped into this stock based on your hopes? This is what I think the market believes as well; nothing to get excited until proof.
I, as well as many here really do think that this stock will soar. I have only bought more recently to hedge my bet prior to qtr. news. I did not buy for long time because of the trading pattern of news. I am hoping that will change when qtr. news is out.
There are many here much smarter than I when comes to investing, but I believe many of you have been stumped by the pattern of this stock. Which is to say who knows for sure? Logic has not been applied to the share price of this stock, but I am hoping for that to change. Imagine a world with no logic......