TPL/PTSC agreed to a license payment plan from the J3....thus the reason for the lower revenue amount....
How so??
Since the past licensee companies paid the full amount... the revenues are booked in total..(accounts receivable or cash)...EG.. we get lumpsums...higher upfront revenues. Eg. Sony paid 20 million at once.
What if the business resolution for the TX case was a contract of the MMP for XXX amount of money over a specific time frame????
The PTSC balance sheet will only have to show revenue of the quarter payment made. There is no need to show the remaing outstanding since the "invoice" or "service" has not yet be provided.
Eg. Assume Panasonic agreed to pay 20 million over 3 years (12 payments 1 per quarter). Instead of revenue of $20 million.... PTSC revenue for the 1st quarter is 1.6 million for the quarter.
i dont know... just a thought...