What timetable does the PDS FISCAL YEAR TAKE
In synch with PTSC? end May 31...
IN synch with TPL/Allicense?
A what part of the financial quarter does TPL distribute earnings to PTSC & TPL
We understand that in Feb of 2007 PDS booked a receivable for a license that did not deliver cash until March of 2007 Why no receivables for the licenses booked after January 2008.
Will not those pay in March ??? Did they pay in Feb but were not distributed in Feb.. If so why no money in PDS.or is that the 5mm
gain in PDS capital.
IF Licenses are based on among other things the cost of securing the license
does this mean it cost to much to have teh Js take a license so we gave it up for free.
Whay does PDS have 16mm in expenses this year and only 30mm in licenses
It would seem to me that either the Markman was crap and Phillips who just paid 18mm for their license are morons or lunatics
Or something was changed as far as the licensing agreements went and we will need to wait until July 15th for the 10K.
RG doesn't have acess to the cash since it's locked away in ARS
The 7mm in the bank is nice to fund a startupbut not usable for M&A
It males sense to me that RG knows he has an ace up his sleeve
Hopefully we'll see a 25-30 million share day on Monday as teh bottom blows out and we turn around mid-day on a bounce off 28 cents and close above 35 cents
And then PTSC as well as PDS will have a new beginining
Cheers and stay away from teh boards and have fun this weekend.
whether you lost 1k or 100k or if biajj still has his 8 mil the he'sdown about
5million since the high of 94 around 12/18 so remember there'salways someone worse off than yo uand alwyas someone better off than you so you gotta be happy with what you got whateverit is,.