From the movie"It's a wonderful life" starring
James Steward as George Bailey an honest, hard working Savings and loan owner trying to keep the community from becoming prey of the evil, money grubbing banker. George's absent minded uncle who regularly made deposits to the bank left the money in the bank but misplaced it before he could deposit it.Of course, the evil banker has the money the whole time but this puts the savings and loan in a terrible financial position, ( kind of like ours) their is a run on the Bank (savings and loan) George has to spend all his savings to keep it afloat.After a bad day at work he drives home, hits a tree and gets cussed out by the property owner. He starts walking comes to a bridge and jumps off. His guardian Angel come from heaven, dives in and rescues him. While drying off at the bridge operators cabin. George says he wishes he were never born. The Angel obliges him and the most of the movie is George confronting his friends and family who don't know who he is. Of course we see how the town is affected by the evil banker because there is no George, and no savings and loan to help the community, It takes place Christmas Eve and Day and is a classic. One of my favorites, obviously.