away in some ARS. If this was truly an orchestrated event to allow the company time to repurchase shares on the cheap, it appears that will now backfire because the idiots don't have enough cash to go on a substantial buying spree. Just think $5 million dollars could potentiall pull 15-17 million shares off the street. I do believe it is PTSC themselves who have told the world many times over the last 2 years that our stock was definitely undervalued. That sounds like pumping to me and now we've breached a new 52 week low and they have little powder to do anything about it.
The situation begs the question, how important is it now for shareholders to have some kind of understanding regarding the settlement? Wouldn't you feel a little better if you knew there were on going royalties? What if you at least knew the settlement was somehow related to the pending USPTO re-exam? Once again investors not being informed yet the company publicly announcing to world that their stock was undervalued. It sounds like a conflict of interest to me.