The J's are considered: System Level which equals royalty collection.
Intel, AMD etc. are considered chips and other unfinished goods which equals
a royalty free license. (or One Time Payment)
Maybe the use of the word Granted is the FIRST of a royalty
collection type agreement. I'll be on the lookout for PR's that use the word
GRANT in the future. lol
The MMP Portfolio Licensing Program therefore focuses licensing
requirements and royalty collection on the finished "system-level" product.
A royalty-free MMP Portfolio license is also available to manufacturers of
chips and other unfinished goods.
All I can say is the Chip Manuf. better pray that the supremes uphold the LG
decision or the MMP just got MORE expensive for them.
And there's several hundred of those ALONE.
Still reading the tea leaves and in between the lines.
Best of luck.
d and d