Maybe some shouldn't forget, that
- it was the "old" BoD, which appointed Brain as shareholder represantative in August 2005
- it was during the time of the "old" BoD nearly all negative issues (Fish, Giffhorn, debentures, options&warrants) were solved
- it was the "old" BoD, which nominated Rick Goerner as CEO
What's the purpose of these attacks against the "old" BoD NOW, while it seems, that the last developments are bringing the company right on track?
There's no question, that at least two of the BoD-members don't have the right skills/competences to be part of an emerging High-Tech company - but exactly which decisions, they were responsible for, were wrong?
This complete discussion seems like another part of a tactical game. There are some posts here, which are not written to solely express a personal opinion IMO.
Good night!