Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Let's Get Stoned!!!

Why the licenses to the Js?

Why the MOU?

Why the "without prejudice" on the Js?

Why the Confidentiality Clause?

Why the buying by the company/directors?


Yes these things have occurred, but your conclusions as to why or what they will lead to are just as much conjecture as Brian's, and since I know & trust Brian unequivocally, I will choose to believe his conjecture... no offense.


Perhaps the Js some how ended up with TPL by the short ones and TPL wants no one else to know how..

Perhaps the Js are actually going to assist TPL in other ways going forward.. Reexams or vs Arm... and wanted them held to it..

Perhaps the Js paid next to nothing for the MMP but have agreed to pay mega bucks for 'Core' and 'Flash'...

Perhaps he is just accumulating enough shares at these depressed prices in order to gain himself a seat at the BoD table... where he can really set PTSC policy.. Wonder what TPL/Alliacense expenses might be then..

Perhaps Lecky desires the whole enchilada so badly he will do whatever he needs to [mostly] within the boundaries of the law/rules to bring it within his possession.. by purposefully keeping the price suppressed for over a year.. essentially setting a market value that may be within his reach.. certainly within the reach of colleagues if funding where needed...

Perhaps he just wants to merge with PTSC, in order to run the whole show.. How does that work? Does PTSC have to come up with an 'equal' amount of assets as TPL based on market cap and share count and other assets? 110 mil shares not issued, but authorized (including repurchased) @ say .70 is ~$75M.. throw in the $25M in 'cash'.. that totals ~$100M.. Would PTSC have to make up the difference of their half of whatever the merging companies was deemed valued at including the MMP? Would PTSC possibly be required or need to come up with some other asset/s in order to make a merger with TPL workable? In this situation would the Preferred Shares (and the valuable benefits that accompany them) stick out like a sore thumb and 'fulfill the bill'??

-Most preferred shares are "cumulative" which means that skipped dividend payments are accumulated until they are finally paid. For example, a company that missed two years worth of preferred share dividends would have to pay all the missed payments before it paid out anything to the common shareholders

-Convertible preferred stock: Holders of this type of security have the right to convert their preferred stock into shares of common stock (potentially at more than a 1:1 ratio). This allows the investor to lock in the dividend income and potentially profit from a rise in the common stock while being protected from a fall in the same

-Preferred stock can be a goldmine for corporate portfolios. Why? Federal tax laws only require companies to pay income tax on 30% of their preferred dividends, meaning a full 70% is essentially tax-free


Obviously I don't know if any of the above scenarios are in play.. regardless, we need our BoD to continue to evolve into a stronger entity with a backbone in order to protect retail shareholders and make sure we keep what is rightfully ours... Leckerone already tried to acquire the patents for peanuts.. I personally doubt his desire has relinquished.. and our current yearlong market cap is dam sure not doing us any favors... and he ain't getting any younger..

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