Even though TPL had the Markman ruling in thier favor. The risk of losing was too great and TPL decided to settle for less and fight another day. In the real world most times goliath wins.
It's possible that TPL was a bit overwelmed when they were not allowed to group some of the micro chips into families. This may have been too difficult in the amount of time they had to list all the differant chips that infringed. This may explain why TPL is pushing for seperate trials for the T3 or the A3 whatever we're calling them. This may also explain why the T3 filed a law suit so quickly after the settlement sencing weakness from TPL. Hopefully when the USPTO re-examination is complete the patents will have more teeth.
The only other thing I can think of is that there is a creative accounting procedure happening and we'll see the balance of the j's settlement in the upcoming 10-K.
Who kows?
All the best,