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Message: I asked Incite if he thought the MMP patents were Iron Clad, here is his answer

I asked Incite if he thought the MMP patents were Iron Clad, here is his answer

posted on May 15, 2008 01:11PM

(this was posted on Dec. 22nd)

In my opinion...Yes,

Iron Clad indeed.

You don't need a background in engineering to determine the value of the MMP Portfolio.

All that you need is the ability to recognize the views and opinions of the hundreds of people employed by those companies which have wisely licensed the MMP, who not only have a background, but have degrees in engineering, business, as well as patent law among others.

Best in class professionals recruited worldwide, who were hired explicitly for their views and opinions.

Expert views and opinions that have resulted in a highly probable licensing total of hundreds of millions in MMP licensing dollars to date.

I wouldn't be surprised if more new prospective licensees who have bargained in good faith are signed in the coming days, weeks and months.

Nor will I be surprised if those companies who persist to resist and refuse to make any bargaining commitments in regard to the MMP are named as defendants in an all new infringement suit.

Only now the stakes will be higher.

The vast majority of companies notified of infringement have yet to licence, including some pretty big fish along the lines of IBM, Apple, Microsoft and Motorola to name a few.

Over $108 million in total license fees for MMP licenses were signed back in calender year 2006, from just twelve companies. After allowance for expenses, the distributive share received by Patriot Scientific was over $48 million..
These licence's were specifically allocated at a discount to first movers in their respective market segments for their prudent action.

To date in 2007 there have been thirteen signatory companies, prior to the confidential settlement between TPL/PTSC and the remaining defendants -- (Toshiba, Matsushita and JVC), reached just days ago.

And now just a few days later, there is yet another company to licence the MMP Portfolio. .

Excerpt from today's news - .

["A strong wave of interest from companies selling microprocessor-based products has propelled the MMP Portfolio licensing program to the next level, as over 45% of license signings have followed the favorable Marksman ruling issued earlier this summer.”

The sweeping scope of applications using MMP Portfolio design techniques continues to encourage the world’s leading manufacturers of end user products from around the globe to become MMP Portfolio licensees. ]

I am quite certain that the favorable Marksman ruling was the catalyst in bringing the remaining Japanese defendants to the table.

It is now clear more than ever to the hundreds of companies formally notified of infringement, that there is a very simple solution to avoiding the very real possibility of supply-chain disruptions.

PTSC is accumulating a massive war chest after realizing just a fraction of it's MMP licensing potential, while actively seeking to invest in other industry related revenue streams. (personally, I hope they go solar)

Anyway, no debt with very little overhead and nothing seemingly standing in their way, it appears that PTSC is about to turn the corner and do what I and many longs have felt this company would do for quite some time.

I can hardly wait for 2008...

GLTAL old and new,

and a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Edited by - Incite on 12/22/2007 12:22:47
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