Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: My Correspondence with TPL

What does LOGIC tell us?

Logic tells us the the J3 DID infringe the MMP.

What did the Leckrones say?

They were ecstatic over the STRONG Markman ruling pertaining to our


They had prepared OVER 4000 claims charts by April 2007.

They were READY to PROVE infringement.

What they didn't have were the Sales records and Design Schematics

of the J3.

What Roger Cook couldn't/didn't tell the J3 all the way in to the MEDIATION



ARE IN THE PACERS. Why did the T3 stike out agains us?? We want

TOO MUCH MONEY. They said that folks. And why would we ask

the T3 for a lot of money and NOT the J3?? Does that make sense to

anyone here?

Remember the 10,000 page document dump??? In JAPANESE?

I Truly believe that VIRT' S Theory MAKES TOTAL sense.

Roger Cook and TPL did NOT let the J3 off for peanuts.

I TOO believe NOW that the numbers will show in the 10K on August 14th

my son's birthday!!!!

There is NO turning back for Dave and I at this point in time with PTSC.

We are frustrated with the SP and the NDA and the double talk we

are all getting from TPL and PTSC and Ken at Hawk.

Don't you think during this 2 year ex parte journey through the PTO

WE had SOME clue as to HOW it was going??? Don't you think ROGER and

Dan Leckrone would have SHARED that with the J3 as well???? Especially

IF it was good news going forward?

Strong Markman

Amazing commercial success of our patents.....and the PTO WILL take

notice of that for SURE!!

The MMP IS Valuable.

As ease has stated after repeatedly asking his contact who has been

an Engineer for over 30 years: The only thing OBVIOUS about the 336 is


If I am wrong and Roger Cook et al let the J's go with a slap on the wrist,

then I HAVE to also believe that there is a Bigger Picture Reason for it.


I do NOT believe there is any diabolical plot to take PTSC over by TPL or

anyone else.

I DO believe that RG, SHROCK, Paul B. and Cliff believe that there will

be enough CASH to turn PTSC in to a REAL Product based company

with more than one source of income. Whether the Arms of the Umbrella

will work independently or cohesively is part of the bigger picture that

management is working on.

Believe me this has been scary seeing the SP at .29 cents after PTSC has

collected OVER 100 million dollars and has NO LESS than 2.5 years.

Some companies trading HIGHER than us have NEVER seen this kind of

money and have huge DEBT.

We can all sit here and be MONDAY MORNING Quarterbacks and keep

complaining about what coulda shoulda woulda and "IF ONLY"

but that will get us no where. The only people making any money

these days are those of you Shorting this stock and YOU KNOW who you

are and I have my suspicion's of just who is doing this.

IF the patents DO make it out of the USPTO revalidated and/or STRONGER

than before, this is when we Should see the PR's and HYPE about the MMP

that we've all been waiting for.

If this doesn't happen, then Dave and I took the wrong turn out of the

driveway when we first bought PTSC and believed in the MMP

and the genius behind it.

40+ World class companies and their attorney's and engineers have

agreed that the MMP IS THE REAL DEAL.

The MONEY collect thus far screams WINNER.

We WILL have our turn. Or we are some of the most intelligent/fools

that ever got TAKEN by a highly elaborate scam. NOT!!!!

Best of Luck to EVERYONE.


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