Hakan Lans v. Acer America Corporation, 1998-2002. Lead trial counsel for defendant Acer America Corp. Defense of computer graphics controller patents in D.D.C. Dismissed on defense motion for lack of standing. Affirmed by U.S. Ct. of Appeals for Federal Circuit. Settled.
Uniboard v. Acer America Corporation, 1998-2002. Lead trial counsel for defendant. Defense of computer graphics controller patents in D.D.C. Dismissed on defense motion. Affirmed by U.S. Ct. of Appeals for Federal Circuit. Settled.
And for those who thought Roger Cook wasn't a very good attorney,
think again. The guy is BRILLIANT.
He has NEVER lost. How many attorney's out there can say that and have
practiced as long as Roger Cook?
No wonder why we hired him.
We're in Good Hands.
Let's hope RG does great things too.
Come on 148!!!!!
Come on 336!!!!
Come on 584!!!!!
Come on RG!!!!!!!