Your points about penny stocks in general are valid, however PTSC has clearly differentiated itself from the general penny stock community:
1. MMP has brought in $250 million dollars - over a hundred million to PTSC and counting (hopefully). How much revenue did those other companies generate?
2. PTSC has actually paid a dividend - in hindsight a bad decision from a long term strategic position but still an reflection of the company's profitablility. How many dividends did those other companies pay?
3. Over 20 mill currently in the bank and no debt. What did the balance sheet of those other companies look like on their best day?
4. Compare the resumes of our current BOD to that of the others.
As such your comparison to that list of worthless penny stock companies is not well taken. And as far as your statement:
Even if the USPTO re-validates or rules in favor of PTSC, with over 400M shares, how high can it really go?
Of course I dont have the answer, but the hope and plan is that USPTO validation sparks up licensing activities again, there is still a bundle of money to be made on licensing as long as the patents hold up as they have so far, at some point M&A activity will go through, either with the right M&A or through a reverse split at the right time we end up with a NASDQ listing and sky is still the limit. I may not be as confident in that plan as I once was but nothing makes think that plan is no longer possible. If you think the situation is so hopeless get out and thanks for the warning.