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Message: Ridiculous discussion!

Ridiculous discussion!

posted on Jul 05, 2008 02:37PM

It's a shame, that this ridiculous discussion about the BoD again destroys a lot of what was reached in the last weeks here at the board.

Let me get some facts straight AS I KNOW AND SEE them:

1. The Falk Familiy Trust represents the beginnings of the company, the heritage - thus I understand, why Mr. Falk IS on the Board

2. Swartz was the one, who supported and - though I hate the outcome of it - rescued PTSC over the hard years - thus I understand, why Mr. Johnson CAME on Board

3. Mrs. Felcyn joined 2002 as Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and the trustee of the Helmut Falk Family Trust. The pr from 2002 says: "With the increased need for independence related to financial reporting issues, Gloria's background as a certified public accountant enables us to meet the expanded requirements mandated by recent legislation. Gloria's continuing knowledge of our company and technology as a result of her involvement with the Falk Family Trust will provide valuable input to the board."

Thus I understand, why she CAME on Board.

These three members of the BoD, together with some other Directors, decided who became part of the MANAGEMENT (some people here seem to confuse BoD and Management) and those were responsible to lead the company.

As we all know TODAY, the MANAGEMENT decisions until 2005 were poor and very bad for the company - and hence the management was replaced BY THE BOD (!), though the BoD itself approved all these decisions (but this is business).

First by Mr. Pohl, who might have played an important role to find an exit strategy for Swartz - we all don't know, if it was planned like that (especially in terms of the shareprice) or if PTSC and TPL thought things would turn different.

Mr. Pohl was replaced by a new CEO, Turley, who's role might only have been to be an Interim CEO, we'll also never know (and I doubt, it was his idea to buy back the warrants), but obviously he didn't accomplish anything of significance for PTSC. But maybe this wasn't EVEN a goal at this time of 2007, given all the problems/issues we face now with the importance of the USPTO for this company...

So, Mr. Pohl might have played an important role to bring PTSC on its new way, Turley might have been a fill-in, but now the BoD has chosen a third CEO, who seems to be a real CEO, expanding the management team (Bibeau) and adding additional know-how to the BoD with Mr. Schrock.

Now let's look at the current situation:

We have three management guys and two of the five Directors, who bring in technical know-how (Tredennick) and market know-how (Schrock) - all these five guys selected or at least approved by the BoD. Related to the shareprice this was a very bad move, but we all know or better hope, that RG & friends are the right leaders for PTSC.

So what is the accusation regarding the BoD ?

That Johnson is still on the BoD while Swartz has left the boat? We don't know, if Swartz is history and we don't kow, which role Johnson played in all the litigation stuff. Does anyone of you know?

That Felcyn is still on the board, while we have a new CFO, who should do the job she did? Maybe she will leave, when the time is right (M&A accomplished). Does anyone of you know?

That Falk is still on the board? Maybe he always was and is still interested that his father's assets get stronger? And maybe he will be ready to step back, if he feels, that the Management team and the other BoD are taking care of his "heritage"? Does anyone of you know?

As Mr. Goerner said, we are in a transition period, maybe the BoD will look different in some months - we don't know.

In a nutshell: The shareprice development of PTSC is pure horror, but you can't blame it on the BoD (see above).

IF I would "accuse" someone, it would be Giffhorn, Pohl and Turley, because they were the PUBLIC and RESPONSIBLE persons.

All IMHO and now: good night!

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