Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: emtnester?

Jul 08, 2008 09:28AM
Jul 08, 2008 09:34AM

Jul 08, 2008 09:38AM
Jul 08, 2008 09:42AM

Jul 08, 2008 10:19AM
Jul 08, 2008 10:24AM

You will note that when all these OA's go out they (the examiners) will add in, towards the end, that the next office action will be the final one.

All one can say about that is, the firts OA on 148 said that and we got a positive result based on the patented prior art used there...instead of a final edict we are now on a second OA on the same patent....nothing is final till one reads that a REEXAM CERTIFICATE is being issued.....period.

IMO RG and BOD and Lawyers all knew this was coming and are preparing their response right now. RG all but tol dus outright in his communications to us that these reexams "could take months and years to complete".

His last communication ,when you read it carefully, will not mention much if anything aty all about the patents, other than the standard note of ongoing licensing by TPL etc. etc.

No rah rah about the patents and such...his focus was on developing new business and M&A that will bring us ongoing revenue.

LOOK, we are in no different consditions thn we were the last week or so, we all knew that both patents had new OA's on them we just didn't know what the basis for the rejection of the claims were, that's all.

We ALL knew there was going to be a time consuming, legal briefing, mass information gathering that was to happen to suuport our claims,,,,,we all knew this and all we know right now that is diffwerent is what that lengthy process will entail as far as what issues will be fought.

Stay on target , keep your eye on the ball (and any other cliche' you can think of) and keep up with any news about this as it occurs, the rest is time wasted...BOD complaints and all.

Bottomline, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Warren Buffet together on our BOD couldn't change what is going on right now at the PTO. It is time consuming and none of our elected BOD members can change things with regards to our PPS other than get more ongoing revenues started as soon as possible.

Come to think of it maybe those 3 could get us into some good opportunities with the loose change in the pockets. I f Bill G wants to concentrate on philanthropy maybe he could throw us a few 100 million to aid in our M&A..LOLOLOLO


Jul 08, 2008 10:44AM
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