I just find it hard to believe that if the USPTO had revalidated the patents and TPL was licensing 10 companies per month and RG had more capital to work with for building the company beyond the MMP and the share price was at $2.00 that we would be having this conversation right now.
What is wrong with the requirements the BOD laid out for Rick Goerner? Was the BOD not addressing shareholder value? You know that Pohl and Swartz are close and Swartz had much influence over Pohl and the policies he presented to the BOD at that time. Pohl is gone now and Swartz has less influence and many here see positive direction in the way Rick Goerner is running the company as well as the quality of new mangement that has come on board after his hiring.
I ask again did you bring up your concerns for us shareholders to Pohl or the BOD the three times they decided to issue dividends? And if yes what was the answers you received from them? If no, why didn't you? These are straight forward questions that you could answer and I think you owe it to the very shareholders you represented during that timeframe.
I am not as saavy in business as many posters on this board, but the money I've invested was just as good as anyone elses. Answer my questions and convince us that you have a plan that will constructively remove the old BOD members without driving away the new management that appears to be taking PTSC forward in the right directions. I want to believe that removing the old BOD members is going to make things better. How are you planning to it?
All the best,