Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Peck, Peck, Peck,.... Down A Penny A Day...

I don't think there is any reason or EXPECTATION for the numbers for the quarter to be high, do you? The numbers will be COMPARATIVELY low. I'm usually a numbers guy, but this quarter, is NOT about the numbers IMO.

This quarter and ultimately this 10K is about the story of PTSC. It is about the turnaround of a formerly unprofitable penny stock company that has NEARLY come all the way around the bend (not quite yet, but IMO, it's more than 2/3 the way around. Sure, this 10K will be reporting numbers for the quarter, and for the year, but more importantly, it will be the platform for the new CEO to begin to trumpet the new strategy and the ACTUAL steps they have finally taken, rather than what it's been up til now, only promised steps. The new CEO and the new qualified management team, and improved BOD are beginning to REALIZE the plan that up till now has been a bunch of promises.

I hardly think anyone is expecting much dollar wise. But if RG can tell us that:

  • they now have some recurring revenue licenses
  • that the USPTO decision looks promising and may be near on the 148 & 336
  • that the cash position remains nearly the same as last quarter
  • that the NuPower deal has some definable potential
  • that the Crossflo deal has definable earnings/guidance
  • that they are near on the other mentioned deal
  • that they have new BOD members planned
  • that there is some defineable time frame to get off the OTC
  • etc. etc. etc.

While some of these may not be doable yet, and others issues may not be listed, the point is that the story aside from the MMP earnings is the REAL STORY, for this past quarter, and in summary for this past year. How well PTSC can articulate that story, and how much substance they can provide to that story will tell the future of the pps IMO, not whether they made $1M or $10M off of MMP for the quarter.

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