"As we believe Iameter’s product is very synergistic with Crossflo’s, Patriot has executed a Memorandum of Understanding to acquire the assets of Iameter, merging their resources into Crossflo before year-end if the transaction is finalized."
Pure speculation, but recognizing that MOUs are typically for contengency planning purposes, I suspect that what it says is "we intend to buy you out under the following terms" - the terms being alternatively via use of some amount of common shares (if more shares are authorized), using hard cash (if the PTO finalizes favorably, and adequate licensing money flows in), or some combination. And the "if" is in there (timing wise) in case the shares don't get authorized and the PTO result either doesn't come before YE or isn't favorable. Again, just speculation, but it makes perfect sense to me.
The nice thing is that, if I'm right, the terms of the buy out are already worked out and they're ready, and waiting, to roll.
I KNOW nuttin'!