I just wanted to add my thanks to Larry, Marc, Kiddtrader and the others for attending the meeting and keep us informed. I am optimistic that RG is building an operating company to go along with our licensing MMP effort.
While I had expected that the payoff in PTSC would have begun to occur in Jan 08 with the settlement of the the J2.5. With the current business activities I see PTSC as a lng term investment that will reward those with patience. The speculators will be unhappy.
I noted that one of our colleagues noted that he met with some of the board members, CJ, GF, et al, and found them to be hard working earnest people. Perhaps now we can view them as partners in what we all hope to be a very profitable enterprise. With that our discussion can become less hostile and more productive. Same with the others, Schwartz and the Leckones.
I regret not attending the SHM. My back problem and arthritic knees have not been kind to me recently. Maybe nest year when we all join together to celebrate a remarkable year of growth and success. One can only hope.