Definily a sweet spot -
NIEM News, 1/16/08]. With the Fellows in place, there has been a revitalization of the three NIEM standing committees: the NIEM Technical Architecture Committee (NTAC), NIEM Business Architecture Committee (NBAC), and NIEM Communication and Outreach Committee (NC&OC) [NIEM News, 5/30/08]. These committees provide the principal means for broad-based, participative governance of the NIEM Program.
Featured FAQ
Am I required to use NIEM?
Possibly, depending on where your project falls within an agency, program, or funding authority. NIEM is a requirement for all DHS and DOJ grant-funded projects that include an information exchange function. NIEM may be a requirement for other procurements as specified in the Request for Proposal (RFP). Agencies and components at various levels may mandate NIEM for certain exchanges within and/or across organizational boundaries. You may also be required to consume and produce NIEM-compliant exchanges with agencies that have adopted NIEM or with systems that are NIEM-conformant, e.g., the FBI’s Law Enforcement National Data Exchange (N-DEx) system. NIEM capability is also being incorporated into an increasing number of vendor products that will offer off-the-shelf support for NIEM-conformation exchanges.