"Please explain why agreeing to not bring suit against each other could not be made public information."
PXP - I didn't bother to ask the attorney this question but I'm sure he'd have a logical explanation. My uneducated guess is that it has to do with other potential licensees seeing something that would/could hurt Patriot and TPL (financially).
If this issue bugs you that much, I suggest speaking to a patent/litigation attorney as I did.
I feel 100% confident we're not getting anything further out of the J-3 for the following reasons:
1. RG stated that there are no proceeds that are contingent upon a USPTO decision.
2. RG stated that we're not getting anything else from the J-3.
3. RG would not be able to buy shares knowing we were getting more money from the J- 3 and not disclosing this info to the public.
4. TPL could not withhold this type of information from Patriot. Patriot was a Plaintiff in the case and would obviously know about any forthcoming money from the J-3.