Could this lack of info on Nupower be an outcome of the entanglement that ensued when TPL separately and independently went after potential licensees of Core Flash Portfolio and MMP candidates?
Maybe PTSC learned their lesson from the TPL CFP / MMP situation and that they do not want to give potential "foes" the opportunities to complicate matters by tying two sets of complaints together in their litigation.
Can someone ask RG if he knows what if anything TPL plans to do with the Core Flash Portfolio so that their multiple client licensing activities won't overlap and adversely impact their efforts to monetize the MMP? This flawed strategy of TPL's affects PTSC's cash flow and everything else when delays ensue from TPL representation of multiple client patent portfolios. Is there not an exclusive arrangement between PTSC and TPL? Why should PTSC bear the brunt of any resultant shortfall of PDS income if it is a direct result of TPL representation of another client portfolio? Does PTSC have any legal recourse?