Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: I know 6 ptsc owners & not one would THINK selling !

I hope you're right..that we get a real nice runup with the reexams...

But even at triple the price you're opnly talking 36-40 cents...there's many out there who were thinking 3-5 dollars...and like I've said many times...positive reexams will give us a bump...but it won't last with many being tired of the wait and the realization that their 20 cent stock purchase is not going to be sold for $5/share.

I've been through those blips when the rexams come back in our favor...and they do occur, of course the markets were are lot more "friendly ' at that time too.

To keep the investors around for the better PPS they need to undertand that we may have 300+ on notice of infringement but I'd bet many of those are in the category of the ones we've signed recently and the ones in the future may only average out at 2-3 million a piece,which is probably double what the last two were....but we can get to that near 1.00 PPS range with some good fortune.

Taking a success rate of even 70% of those 300 and using an average 2 million a license and taking much better rate of expenditures than we've seen lately...say 20 % ...that leaves...210 licenses at 2 million less 20% for operating expense or take half of that and our cut is about 170 Million. use a 4 yr average time span to finalize that and we're talking.....$42.5 /year...GROSS...or 22.5 NET....even if I'm off by 100%...double's then becomes...$45MM NET a year....and with 500/600Mm shares OS that turns into....0.075 to 0.09 EPS ...Yearly...and 0.033 to 0.045 for the lesser fee rate.

So with a 2 miilion a license fee, at a that success rate ,we can expect, a .33 to .45 PPS with a simple PE of 10 and somewhere near .75 to .90 PPS with a $4 million per license fee rate...just for the MMP licenses... add in some successes with crossflo/iameter and we can easily et to 1.00 plus....BUT... the reexam need to be followed up with that 4MM average license fee(for 210 licenses) to get there...the reexams will help the PPS, for sure, but those dollars and successes need to flow at those rates... yearly....JMHO

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