Take a look at PUBPAT's website, if you haven't in awhile....
posted on
Jan 27, 2009 06:29AM
I know the whole re-exam business is supposed to be a one-on-one between TPL and the PTO.....but I have always suspected that the above mentioned adversary is bombarding the PTO examiners with info and research unfavorable to our position. In fact, I do not know if there is anything illegal about it. They may not be participating in the actual re-exam but I just bet they are hanging around and doing anything in their power for a win. You know that backing is readily available. Not suggesting payoffs or anything of that nature....but perfectly legal contributions for their endeavors. All this is just MHO and I have no evidence.... but I am wary of what potentially harmful influences are infiltrating the mindset of the examiners. good luck