One of the principle objectives for Sisvel’s presence at CeBIT is to promote new Patent Pools, as they are
viewed as a way to simplify the business practices between R&D investors and patented technology users.
Each pool is a concrete example of a licensing program which “assembles into one package” the patents
required for the production of products connected to a particular technology. This translates into a single
license agreement and a single royalty, as opposed to a number of separate contracts and royalties. Thus, a
Patent Pool is absolutely pro-competitive because it leads to the negotiation of a single license agreement,
which results in lower costs and indisputable market clarity, ultimately benefiting the final users
In Hong Kong SISVEL will offer licenses under its programs related to ATSS
(Automatic Tuning & Sorting System), WSS (which allows TV sets to change image
formats automatically), and the MPEG Audio standard, Layer I, Layer II and Layer
III (MP3). SISVEL will also introduce the DVB-T licensing program, relating to the
terrestrial digital television broadcast standard, which was recently transferred to
Hmmmm aggregation of patents into a single license... looks familiar.
Be well