I think it's premature to judge RG on what he has accomplished. He stepped into a pretty tough spot IMO. He has to invent a company in PTSC as it was just a shell when he took over without any real direction and solely dependent on the MMP. RG's done a great job with what he's had to work with. Looking at the chart of the SP shows that we were on a downward slide long before RG took over. It isn't him that caused the stock to continue to drop to these levels from where he took over and I think with the tools he had to work with it is unrealistic for him to turn this company around in a year without the benefits of the MMP to further fund the direction he wants to take the company. The market dosn't like risk and the USPTO presents too much risk also Swartz needs to be gone before investors are going to jump into this stock again.
I think to a large extent we are under the radar right now and I think RG and TPL are OK with this at this time until the patents are re-validated. No use promoting the MMP until it's ready to be promoted. It's like trying to sell a car before it's designed. Who wants to buy it until they can see it, touch it and smell it.
I'm also betting on the future. I agree that we are much closer to this than the market and I am betting as you are that are chances are very good of coming out of this with a profit provided the MMP still has teeth after the USPTO validation and with some of the contracts in the medical field and government with Crossflo that may be coming our way.
The time to judge RG is in the future not now. I would say two more years would be a good time to judge RG's performance. That should be enough time for The USPTO and for some of the companies that PTSC has invested in to perform.
All the best,