Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Much Ado About Nothing? Milestone

I think he examiner is simply sayingt that once you have 2 clocks then using 2 clocks in a better way is obvious...

The problem is that he neglects to consider that while it might be obvious to generate energy by splitting water molecules into an oxegyn exhaust and burning the hydrogen, accomplishing this wih a commerically viable patent is not really taht obvious,

The 336 invention is not the 2 clocks it is the decoupling of the 2 clocks and the creation of a HIGH PERFORMANCE processor that uses a minimal amount of energy...

Yes the idea is obviuos but the invention is little to do with the idea and everything to do with making the idea work.

I could just imagine telling the inventor that the airplane was obvious becasue bords have wings and besides Icarus had already done it.

What invention isn't obvious.... Any puzzle once the solution is known becomes obvious

E=mc^2 seems pretty obvoious today as does gravity as does independant clocks. As does the internet or wheel and fire......

See now I got myslef all riled up .. It's obvious that I'm dissapointed...

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