Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Steve ? .. Hello ? lol, I'll ask again.. "When was the last time

I look forward to your response to my questions this weekend and I am sorry if you feel like you have been fillified or unfairly treated here on this forum by some. You have been as ignited pointed out a leader on this forum for many years and you have done extensive DD on PTSC. You were the closest to PTSC of any of us investors by being our shareholder representative. You are well respected by me and most on this forum. Your background and the respect you have by investors here makes your posts carry a lot of weight here on this forum. Many of us were disappointed when you resigned as our representative and were also disappointed when you and Ronran decided not to post on this forum so much. I speak for many investors here who are hungry for your knowledgeable posting to continue here more frequently. I also want you to know that I still have great respect for you and all that you have contributed to shareholders and to investors on this forum. Again I mean you no ill will. I try to read all posts and have never put anyone on ignore.

The truth is that most of us longs have done our share of worrying about the deterioration of the SP, I know I have. My investment dollars were hard earned. Please understand that I read all posts on this forum and do not have blinders on to the fact that PTSC is trading at a dime. I welcome any information but if it is negative I feel people have a reponsibility to back up their opinions by posting imo or by posting facts that support their opinions. It is especially troubling to me when well respected posters lay down acusations such as we are being ripped off by PTSC. Many will run with this information and fear and panic spreads and that may be unwarranted and cause people to worry or make poor decisions with their investment. I for one am not ignorant to what has happened with PTSC. I think most of us understand that mistakes were made by Pohl to distribute money to shareholders that would have been better utilized for building his umbrella scheme. Most of us understand now that Swartz had much control over PTSC and PTSC's management. I still question Pohls continued relationship with Swartz and wonder how Pohl may be getting pay back from Swartz for pushing company decisions in his favor while he was CEO. I also understand that Swartz selling has had a negative impact on the SP and I kick myself for not following the smart money (Swartz) in selling my shares at a profit when I had chances to do so. I also understand that Swartz has few shares remaining and that his influence on the SP going forward will be minimal.

Unfortunately due to the nature of our investment their is much secrecy and that plays into negative speculation and conspiracy theory scenarios. I feel that RG is trying to provide us with as much information as he can. I think he is doing a pretty good job with what he's had to work with in trying to build PTSC into a real company that will have other ways of producing revenue in the future.

Most of us are here because of the MMP and we understand that the length of time taken by the USPTO in reexamining the patents has also contributed to the drop in the share price and for the lack of licenses until recently. We also understand getting the patents revalidated by the USPTO is no picnic by any means and I welcome any factual posting surrounding this most important process. But there is still a very real possibility that the patents will survive the USPTO reexamination process in spight of the recent rejections.

I for one do not know how significant and important the German validation of the entire MMP is. Is it the reason that we have seen three recent licenses and is this a signal that licensing is picking up again?

I am not opposed to seeing posts on this forum of information regarding Moore's potential falling out with TPL over ownership of the MMP patents. I am also concerned about what implications it could have on PTSC and my investment. I feel it is appropriate to try and get factual information about such an important issue and those facts should be posted here for all to see. I would hope that PTSC could shed some light on this issue but I understand that PTSC may be between a rock and a hard place until this issue is resolved brtween Moore and TPL as I believe Moore is more connected to TPL than PTSC and I understand PTSC's relationship with both parties. IMO TPL and Moore will resolve this issue. IMO TPL must be a player as they have the personel and the experience to go after the infringing companies. I'm not so sure that Moore or PTSC has the resources to pursue the licensing effort.

Finally and I appologize for the long post, is that in spight of all that has happened and that the share price is at a dime, I am still optomistic about the potential of the MMP and the future for PTSC and I just don't understand how some people can't understand this. None of us really knows what the future holds for us. We may see our investment dwindle further and the USPTO could reject the MMP patents. Crossflo and Holocom may not get big orders for their products. These are things I worry about as I'm sure most investors here do. But the MMP may be revalidated by the USPTO we may see increased licensing and higher licensing rates. We also may see Crossflo and Holocom and some of the other aquisitions and investments take off and yes we could see the share price rise from the ashes as it has in the past and until I see eveidence that shows the latter scenario to be impossible then I will continue to be optomistic about my investment in PTSC in spight of all that has happened.

And I hope that you and others on this forum can understand and repect my continued optomism about the MMP and PTSC based on what I know.

All the best,


And yes, believe it or not some of us grew up in the late 60's and early 70's and elected not to smoke pot or take illegal drugs when it was offered at parties. I can say to this day and I will take it to my grave that I have never smoked a cigarrette or a Marijuana cigarette in my life and I am proud of that achievement and have tried to instill this in my children and my neices and nephews.

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